Outlast 2 metacritic
Outlast 2 metacritic

outlast 2 metacritic

on a positive note, I loved how the game implemented some psychological horror into the game, and created some of the games best moments. there were parts in this section of the game that were so frustrating that I wanted to quit the game entirely and the worst part was that this section of the game I didn't find scary at all and it took me about 2 hours or so until this part was over with. Unfortuently this really made the game frustrating when you get to the middle section of the game which takes place in the forest and there is little to no clear direction a lot of the time with an enemy that can attack you from a ranged distance. they made the game more open which created more panic when you were being chased and were trying to find a way to go and I felt this worked really well in early parts of the game, except when you would just hit one of the games many dead ends and turn around with like 4 men and women with knives and pitch forks forming a wall of inevitable murder. first of all im happy to say that this game is more ambitious and takes great steps in making innovations from the first game when it comes to level design and some of the mechanics and story elements, but some of these ambitions ended up hurting the experience greatly. the gameplay is kindof a mixed bag for me and it really depends on different sections of the game.

outlast 2 metacritic

the voice work is fine, nothing memorable about it or bad about it, which is a little unfortunate because I can distinctly remember some of the characters chilling voices and dialogue from the first game and whislteblower dlc but nothing really stands out here. the sounds in this game add a lot to the horror and atmosphere, with the chase music making me scream outloud some times, not a lot of variety though. the lighting I feel could have been done a little better, its essential that this game has many dark areas to make the camera a necessary tool to use and it makes you feel lost and creates panic when trying to find yourself through the darkness, but since your camera needs batteries to work, you need to be able to turn your camera off sometimes in order to conserve battery, and that means you need times where you have enough light to get through areas without us without using the camera the whole time, and unfortuently the game is so dark that there are not many times where you can actually see much of anything without the use of your camera and that can be frustrating, especially since this game is a lot more open than the first and its a lot harder to figure out where to go. the graphics look a lot better compared to the first game, with all the textures looking a lot cleaner and the enviroments have a lot more variety, and there are times when game looks really pretty and it creates a really spooky atmosphere. the graphics look a lot better compared to the first outlast 2 is a first person horror game and does many things right and also a lot wrong. Outlast 2 is a first person horror game and does many things right and also a lot wrong. Also, I understand people complaining about the game being repetitive however I do not feel that way about the game.

#Outlast 2 metacritic trial#

Also, there is a lot of trial and error, so be ready to die several times reasonlessly. Mechanics are great and I haven't find a bug. Unlike RE7, you never feel safe, there is no safe room or weapons to protect you. I found it compelling so far, though I anticipate the ending will not reveal everything. The subjects on the games are reserved for Adults. B- STORY- This is not a game for kids or teenagers. The atmosphere created submerses you into the game (also, it's half the price of an AAA game- it is as nice as RE7- leave the VR aside). A- GRAPHICS- The game looks I played same 10 hours on this game, on normal (as my son advised me that Outlast games are really hard on hard). I played same 10 hours on this game, on normal (as my son advised me that Outlast games are really hard on hard).

Outlast 2 metacritic